The Characters of Anārbānu and her sons from the Perspective of Kristeva’s Abject Body



Julia Kristeva, the post structuralist literary critic, has a deep understanding of the concepts related to “Emigrant’s literature”, such as “Other”, “Otherness”, “Alien” and “Alienation”. In her book “Stranger to Ourselves”, she analyzes the psycho-sociological factors of “otherness” through concentrating on the constituents like identity, space and time, mother tongue, detachment from one’s culture, and negligence of the cultural heritage. In this article, Anārbānu and her Sons, from a collection entitle Another Place by Goli Taraghi, is analyzed as a text in which alienation and otherness are effectively represented. The study shows that  immigration as well as detachment from the motherland creates an “Other” which will never find a new “Self”.
