Mowlavi\'s Noumenalism in mathnavi-e ma’navi



In Mowlavi's viewpoint the noumenal has a deep connection with objective world. While the noumenal has an abstract form we can see it's signs and effects in the visible world. Unbounded scope attends in the area of noumenal, and it's every phenomenon contains the invisible dimension and earns its own perfection and validation from the same noumenal dimension. Mowlavi demonstrates the noumenal dominance over objective world as well as the connection of both of them by allegory. The value of Human as the noblest of the whole creation owes its existence to noumenal powers like reason, soul and conscience. Mineral kingdom contains noumenal dimension too. and no quantum of the subjective world is out of the influx of invisible world. The Quran, Hadith, Ash’ari's theology and mystic experiments, are the major sources of Mowlavi's thought on the noumenal. In fact the concepts like predestination, determinism and free-will, annihilation, contentment, absolute trust and the like in mathnavi have their origins in Mowlavi's belief to the existence of noumenals in objective world.
