A Persian Poet, Mostly Acquainted with Shâhnâmeh



Ghâ'âni , for many reasons such as the acute attention to the Restoration poets of Khorâsâni Style, special interest to Shâhnâmeh in Ghâjâr era, residing in Khorâsân, and competing with Khâghâni has repeatedly made use of the proper names and themes of Shâhnâmeh in his eulogies, depicting natural environment, characterizing the beloved, giving an account of himself, as well as making symbols and accomplishing his didactic goals. The most important part of Ghâ'âni's national epic implications is his so called "unusual allusions" that distinguishes him from the other poets and originates from epics, literary books and story-tellings besides using Shâhnâmeh as the main source of reference. Scrutinizing the stories of Shâhnâmeh, taking advantage of allusions as a device to represent the dualities of the characters, making analogies between "The laudable" and the two characters in Shâhnâmeh who have one point of similarity, praising "The laudable" by compounding epic- mythical names, using the allusions of Shâhnâmeh in the envoy of the ode, are among the characteristics of Ghâ'âni's poetry.
A review of his poems indicates that Ghâ'âni, more than the other poets, benefited from Shâhnâmeh, and his knowledge of Persian epic is outstanding.
