A Comparative Study of Some Personages in Russian and Persian Mythology



The mythical personages studied in this article fall into three categories: Heroes, Fairies and Divinities. We have tried to draw an analogy among the three categories in the Persian and Russian mythology. In this comparison the points of similarity between the legends of Siagalesh and Lesh (Leshi), the epics of Rostam and Iliâ Murâmetz, and the myths of Mithrâ and Dâzhbog, Zahâk and Triglâvâ, Ahurâmazdâ and Bilbog, Ahriman and Chornbog, have been exhibited. Some of the likenesses seem to be accidental (like that between Lesh and Siâgalesh), but some others are rooted in the shared cultural heritage and racial origin of the two nations (like that between Ahurâ and Bilbog).
This comparative report, influenced by the linguistic model of Noam Chomsky, attempts to trace out a deep structural analogy between the Persian and Russian myths and legends, although in some cases the mere reason of the influence of one legend on the other is its longer historical record.
