Color in The Tales of Haft-Peykar of Nezami



There are many works in Persian literature that never sink into oblivion; the more time goes by, the more their values and merits will be revealed. Various commentaries and interpretations on the works of Nezâmi, Mathnavi of Mawlavi, Divân of Hâfiz,... prove this point.The poetical works of Nezâmi are among the lasting Persian verses that can be studied from several point of views. Nezâmi, in Haft-Peykar, has a specific look on the category of colors. As regards the psychological aspects of colors, there is a meaningful relationship between the color of each "Dome", and the quality of the narrated tale. This paper, through concentrating on the seven colors of the "Seven Domes", explains how each color is significantly related to the story told in the Dome.
