Two kinds of Genitive Dependents in Persian: Nominal Genitives and Attributive Genitives




Genitive constructions, in terms of different criteria such as the possibility of displacing their nominal and attributive dependents, can be divided into attributive genitives (which can both precede and follow adjectives) and nominal genitives (which do not precede adjectives except for the cases that results in a meaning shift or ungrammaticality of noun phrase).In this article, genitive constructions have firstly been explored and classified from such a perspective, and they have then been divided into two general classes namely predicative genitive constructions and non-predicative genitive constructions. It has also been explained that although the intonation pattern of ‘Head+ attributive genitive’ is to some extent similar to that of compound nouns, this genitive is in fact regarded as one of the premodifiers of nouns that mainly functions as a specific adjunct for nouns in non-predicative genitive constructions
